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4.1 Quantification of added value of products and services of the dehesa

The economic quantification of the added value of the products of the dehesa is necessary to achieve the objective of making the dehesa/montado itself sustainable. Analysing private and public economic values of the dehesas is also key to contributing to the design of generalised incentive policies in the dehesa and montado, taking into account different typologies of them, productivity of natural resources and familiar, commercial and leisure rationalities of its owners. This quantification includes studying the variables that determine the price of most important products of the dehesa and the montado and the importance in the decision to purchase them.

On the other hand, the development of certification tools in the dehesa and montado has been carried out, until today, incorporating quality systems made specifically for another type of services. Specifically, forestry certification systems have been implemented, which omit the agricultural or livestock aspects of the dehesa. As has been explained above, the dehesa however makes up a broader management system, so it is necessary to develop certification tools that introduce all areas.

On the other hand, the certification tools and quality systems in the dehesas and montados are applied even though they have been expressly designed for other types of less extensive and diverse production systems. Specifically, forestry certification systems have been implemented, which omit their agricultural and livestock aspects, so it is necessary to develop certification tools that introduce all areas.

Finally, one of the great problems of the dehesas and montados at present is the regeneration of trees, given the inadequate management carried out in recent years on the forest mass. To this end, actions are proposed aimed at modelling certification systems and Forest Management Plans, mainly directed at Regeneration Plans. Implementation of management plans in the Natura Network, entails application of the conservation measures proposed. These measures should be implemented in a coordinated manner in the various proposed certification processes. In this sense, this project allows for assessing and monitoring these conservation measures in terms of their contribution to the added value of the dehesa and montado's by-products.