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4.2 Marketing and commercialisation of products and services from the Dehesa

This work package proposes a set of actions that will help in an integrated way to revitalise and improve and commercialise products and services from the Dehesa. These actions are:

  • Organisation and development of the Virtual Fair on the Dehesa.
  • Development of inverse missions of potential distributors, investors, buyers, etc. of the services and products of the dehesa, to be able to demonstrate in situ the different trades, products, services, etc. the dehesa includes.
  • Promotion of points of sale of products of the dehesa in Belgium, Germany and the United Kingdom.
  • Organisation of B2b and events that promote alliances between companies and companies with technological centres vis-à-vis export and innovation.
  • High quality documentary on aspects and products of the dehesa.
  • Specific marketing campaigns.
  • Training on commercialisation aspects and marketing strategies for companies.
  • Presence in agri-food trade fairs with a “dehesa product” stand.
  • Campaign to raise awareness on the dehesa of different audiences.