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3.1 Modernisation/Adaptation of productive processes (identification of good practices, knowledge transfer and innovation)

- Diagnosis of territorial needs and opportunities for knowledge transfer and innovation related to the dehesa/montado, including:

  • the identification of key actors, knowledge-producers and agents who play brokering, knowledge transfer and innovation roles in the dehesa/montado;
  • a diagnosis on the main barriers and facilitators associated to knowledge transfer and innovation processes in the dehesa/montado, as well as on the most relevant knowledge and innovation needs of these systems;
  • the definition of priority areas to improve knowledge transfer and innovation for the enhancement of the dehesa/montado including organic livestock production, cork production processes, farm management models, techniques for the detection of Phytophothora cinnamomi and other species of the genus, etc.   


- Constitution of a system for cooperation and knowledge transfer to support the dehesa/montado management, based on:

  • the configuration of the Iberian Network for Knowledge Transfer and Innovation in the Dehesa and the Montado, constituted by landowners or managers, processing and service companies, associations, researchers and other actors directly or indirectly related to the dehesa/montado, becoming a meeting point for joint applied research, transfer of knowledge and good practices, and  innovation;
  • the design of a collaboration strategy between the different sites of the Iberian Network, which has been promoted in different workshops,  and that will be permanently open to the participation of interested people and entities.


- Consolidation of a strategy for the dissemination of knowledge, and the promotion of results transfer and innovation, based on:

  • the update and expansion of the Dehesa-Montado Observatory created within the scope of RITECA II project, and designed as a public digital platform for the promotion of innovation and results transfer in the whole dehesa/montado area. This platform includes: databases with information about knowledge producers, knowledge-transfer agents and other dehesa-montado agents; an interactive map with the sites of the Iberian Network and information about its location, productive specialization and the interventions carried out; a support system for decision-making processes related to knowledge transfer and innovation in the dehesa/montado; and a database on knowledge supply and demand, collaboration opportunities, etc.;
  • the establishment of spaces and materials for the dissemination of the Iberian Network and for the promotion of experiences and knowledge exchange, such as seminars, a video and a catalogue for the dissemination and promotion of the Iberian Network, an International Code of Good Practice in Holm Oak and Cork Oak Dehesas and the celebration of the “III IBERIAN CONGRESS OF THE DEHESA AND THE MONTADO” as an inclusive and single forum for different dehesa-related stakeholders (landowners, managers, related companies, researchers, politicians, etc.).

These are some of the actions that have been carried out in this activity:

Transferencia de conocimiento sobre la seca y la fitóftora

  1. Workshop Investigação e inovação aplicadas ao montado de sobro  - VII Feira Agroflorestal, Ponte de Sor  5 jul 2019
  2. Workshop Prevención de la Fitóftora - del Vivero a la Dehesa - FICOR, Coruche 1 sep 2019
  3. Ficha técnica "Gestión y prevención de fitóftora en alcornocales y encinares- Edición jun 2019 
  4. Jornada Técnica sobre Phytophtora spp. (podredumbre radical) en las dehesas - IFAPA de Alameda del Obispo (Córdoba) 1 oct 2019
  5. Manual "Gestión y prevención de la enfermedad causada por Phytophtora cinnamomi en dehesas y montados" - Edición jul 2020


Transferencia de conocimiento sobre gestión forestal sostenible

  1. Curso de gestión forestal sostenible en poblaciones de alcornoque y encina - Évora,  15-17 oct 2018
  2. Curso de gestão florestal sustentavel em povoamentos de sobreiro e azinheira. Gestão de Riscos Bióticos e Abióticos - Portel, 13-14 dic 2018
  3. Curso de gestão florestal sustentavel em povoamentos de sobreiro e azinheira. Diagnóstico e Gestão de Povoamentos Florestais de Sobreiro e Azinheira - Évora, 13-14 mar 2019
  4. Curso de gestão florestal sustentavel em povoamentos de sobreiro e azinheira: Gestão Pós-Incêndio de Povoamentos de Sobreiro e Azinheira - Gavião, 26-27 jun 2019


Transferencia de conocimiento general sobre la Dehesa

  1. Seminario público "Montados-Conservação, Educação e Biodiversidade" - Avis, 25 oct 2018
  2. Jornadas de divulgación del proyecto: día de campo y sesión participativa - Évora,  8-9 nov 2018
  3. Días abiertos: buenas prácticas generadoras de valor en la dehesa - Mérida, 12 y 19 nov 2019

       4. Seminario Gestión de pastos como herramienta de sostenibilidad en la dehesa Online, 28 may 2020


Iberian Network for Knowledge Transfer and Innovation in the Dehesa and the Montado