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2.2 Valorisation of the dehesa/montado habitat through natural heritage (RED Natura 2000) and cultural heritage (formulating an UNESCO candidacy)

As a result of the processing and publication of Directive 92/43/EEC and the related habitats in its Annex I, the surfaces coinciding with the dehesas and montados formations were collected in the habitat with code 6310, called the habitat of “Quercus suber and/or Quercus ilex”. Also supported by the Birds Directive (2009/147/CEE), the Natura 2000 Network was established. Since then, improvements have been incorporated to the Network, studying areas at a smaller scale (lower than 1:50.000) and expanding (from three) the degrees of conservation categories, and, in parallel, progress has been made in the development and implementation of Management Plans in the Natura 2000 Network, incorporating conservation guidelines to the Network sites.

At this mometn, it is necessary to incorporate new mapping studies that homogenize the existing information, developing coverages on a smaller scale and categorizing degrees of conservation of the area classified as habitats of community interest coinciding with the dehesa. This update will contribute to the knowledge of the dehesa incorporated in the Natura Network and development of conservation measures.
In addition to this cartographic updating they will continue with the work already undertaken and presented in the ICOMOS ESPAÑA report on foundations for a possible registration of the dehesa/montado in the UNESCO World Heritage list.